Monday, August 17, 2009

Dealing with the Pro’s and Con’s of Outsourcing

In our modern time, businesses often opt to appoint workforce from outside off-shoring companies. This is what we called outsourcing. Outsourcing, (also termed as off-shoring when referring to overseas workforces) is the practice of transferring tasks to other countries in an effort to trim down the company’s labor costs. This outsourcing has a lot of pro’s and con’s issues and this article will discuss some of them.

Outsourcing refers to contracting human resources from other companies. Depending on the project, these workers can be hired for the time being or on a regular basis. The business usually takes into service the highly competent employee. With this, the company is able to save money because it no longer has to spend more by letting the current staff apply for certain training. And in addition, the present staff is kept on the sideline so he/she may be disposed if the outsourced staff made a great job. Most of the time, the offshore employers beat the present ones and sometimes it even ends that the latter gets fired in his/her job. This is what the experts are merely concerned of because when these problems continue to arise, more and more Americans will be left unemployed because most companies would prefer to outsource rather than choose their own people.
Another issue about this outsourcing thing is that, when the American based companies hire staffs from other nations, they are not required to pay any kind of tax for these work people. The outsourcing companies are the one who’s going to pay for themselves. And in addition, the outsourced workforces are not asking for any other compensation so this is another great benefit for the businesses who wants to reduce costs.
Considering the pros and cons of outsourcing, certain states in the USA have already decided to impose restrictions on the usage of offshore outsourcing. Whatever the decision may be, it must be made prudently, considering all the pros and cons of outsourcing practice.
Even though the profit to the American people are lesser compared to the companies, low labor costs will likely continue to be the driving factor behind off-shoring. To make certain long-term economic success, companies must properly serve their customers, regardless of whether or not this entails outsourcing work. They must focus on striking a balance between saving money and providing the customer with quality products and services to have a better chance of sticking around in the market in the future.

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