Friday, August 14, 2009

Top Five Countries That Leads the Way to Outsourcing Industry

In this modern world, outsourcing has more than ever gaining its growing popularity in the global scale. Many large companies that are finding ways to reduce their operating expenses, though with quality results at lower costs, end up to outsourcing industry. Also, some corporations admit the fact that off-shoring has been an important part of their overall growth strategy. You may want to know the top five outsourcing destinations.

1. India – known to be the leading country of this outsourcing course, with more or less 80-90% of the global offshore market. This is not surprising because of its large pool of talented and English speaking professionals, including its 200,000 IT graduates every year. Due to its early start in the field, India leads over its nearest rival by a wide margin.

2. China – the anticipated next giant IT outsourcing destination and considered to be the greatest rival of India. Since 1997, the Chinese IT services market has increased to almost 42% a year. In addition, the Chinese government has already taken some moves to augment its image as an outsourcing destination. The country is now becoming a low rate option against its neighbors like, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

3. Malaysia – a country with well-developed world-class infrastructure coupled with the support of its government to outsourcing industry. It now initiates to implement a number of policies with the purpose of broadening the labor pool and improves English proficiency and technical skills.

4. Philippines – a fast growing country in the field of outsourcing industry and is equipped with its several years of experience in the BPO space. Popularly recognized for its population that speaks English in American accents, not to mention its exposure to Western culture and global business.

5. Hungary – gradually emerging as Europe’s top IT service providers. The country is also blessed with a pool of tech savvy workers with cultural compatibility to Western Europe. Among the leading companies that put up their business here are TCS, EDS and IBM.

Now that you are informed that these are the leading countries in the world of outsourcing industry, you can now choose which country can serve you best.

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